Monday, October 8, 2012

CPSC 815 Project 2 Simple Compositing with Sequences

Project 2-1 CG on LIVE(movie)

This movie is Painted Skin. And this scene is telling that the warrior do not want to be confused by his eyes, so he used a sword to make his own eyes broken. Then the evil spirit living in his body is released and he get his renascence. He can do the judgement only by himself. I put a devil into the scene as the foreground element to make it clearer.

2-1 final work
2-1 source foreground

2-1 source background
2-1 matte

Project 2-2 LIVE on CG

This scene comes from a game THE ELDER SCROLLS 5: SKYRIM. And I make myself walk by the scene but disappear for a short time. What I mean is it's like some magic show, just disappear and suddenly appear somewhere else again.

2-2 final work

2-2 source foreground
2-2 source background
2-2 matte

Project 2-3 LIVE on LIVE

This one is simple. My friend Encen Zhou walked by and lost his notebook. I found the notebook on the floor and tried to find whom the owner is. The foreground was shot in front of green screen of DPA lab and the background is the familiar hallway in MC ADAM HALL.

2-3 final work

2-3 source foreground

2-3 source background
2-3 matte

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